Chirag is looking for a Room / Studio in Den Haag

Chirag is looking for: A Room / Studio in Den Haag

  • Room / Studio
  • Min. 6 m2
  • Male
  • 14 Immediately

am a student at RWTH Aachen pursuing my master's in Mechanical Engineering. I will be moving to the Hague in the beginning of March to intern at SIEMENS for six months. There is a good possibility of this internship extending onto a master's thesis for six months. As a person, I am pretty happy to mingle and get to know different people, pretty extroverted and keen to party on weekends. I come from India and am a vegetarian. I love going around and exploring other places and wouldn't mind doing so each weekend. Having lived previously in shared apartments, I am pretty good at living harmoniously and cleanly. I would like to know the duration up to which the accommodation can be provided and if there is a possibility of starting the rent period from the beginning of March or the end/mid of February.

General information: Chirag
  Male, 27 years old
Type of tenant: Student
  1st study year Masters in Computer Aided Conception and Production in Mechanical Engineering (University)