Moses is looking for a Room / Studio in Den Haag

Moses is looking for: A Room / Studio in Den Haag

  • Room / Studio
  • Min. 8 m2
  • Male
  • 23 Immediately

I was born and raised in Germany and came to the Netherlands to study. I recently graduated in Global Project and Change Management and now pursue a master's in Cultural Anthropology at Leiden University (start Sep. 2020). Until then, I will work and possibly absolve 1-2 internships in The Hague.
I love the outdoors and hope to spend more of my time traveling in the future. Sport is very important for me (currently mostly running and biking, though I would love to get back into martial arts), as wmartialcooking and good food! I am polite and open, but also enjoy discussions and philosophical exchanges. My interests and hobbies are very diverse, though I currently strive to practice more art (mainly sculpting and drawing). I am also still learning Dutch (understand 80%, but still improving my speaking).

General information: Moses
  Male, 30 years old
Type of tenant: Student
  translation.andersstudy year Cultural Antropology (University)