Ivan is looking for a Room / Studio / Apartment in Den Haag

Ivan is looking for: A Room / Studio / Apartment in Den Haag

  • Room / Studio / Apartment
  • Min. 8 m2
  • Male
  • 23 Immediately

I am 20 years old male international student. I started my study at Inholland University. I am already in Haag and I am searching for the room allowing the registration

A bit more details about me.
One of my leading hobbies is the Rock'n'Roll music.
I play bass and I like to compose short musical parts for bass.
It can sound surprisingly but I also enjoy cooking, especially baking.
It is easy for me to find common ground with all sorts of people.
I'm open minded, polite and tidy.

My financial background is guaranteed by my Dad who supported my study and living in the Netherlands. My Dad works as a team lead for a software development company from Munich (Germany).

General information: Ivan
  Male, 25 years old