Hjördis zoekt een Kamer / Studio / Appartement in Den Haag

Hjördis zoekt: Een Kamer / Studio / Appartement in Den Haag

  • Kamer / Studio / Appartement
  • Min. 15 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 10 Per direct

I was born in Germany but moved to Cape Town at the age of 2. I finished High School in December 2020 and decided to first save up some money for my studies and traveling. In September I'll be studying Psychology at Leiden University and am planning on moving to the Netherlands in the beginning of August. I am a very tidy person, I love cooking, reading, plants and swimming. I currently live in the north of Germany so it's relatively easy for me to travel to Leiden and view apartments/rooms :)

Algemene informatie: Hjördis
  Vrouw, 22 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Psychology at Leiden University (UNIVERSITEIT)