Louis zoekt een Studio in Den Haag

Louis zoekt: Een Studio in Den Haag

  • Studio
  • Min. 10 m2
  • Man
  • 10 Per direct


I am a 22-year old student/intern at Leiden University and I am looking for a room to rent in The Hague starting as soon as possible. I am clean and organized, and the guarantor for the rent would be my mother, for whom I can provide pay-slips if necessary.
My budget is max. 800e p/m with g/w/e included. for one or 1150e for two (me and my friend).

Thank you in advance for your responses,

Kind regards,

Louis Robino

Algemene informatie: Louis
  Man, 25 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  2e jaars Security Studies (MBO)